(5 unique Seminars Available)
The Resiliency of Great Leadership: Strong leaders know the benefit of resiliency and they incorporate it in their duties. A resilient leader is flexible, resourceful and dynamically in charge. They are good communicators and they have the ability to gain compliance from both underlings and superiors. Strength draws people in and initiates “buy-in” from those around you. We admire resilience because it's a companion to strength, fortitude, change, and excellence. The content of this program centers on leadership that is able to ignite positive change in a military organization. We help the supervisor and manager develop themselves and others to take on challenges and turn them around so that they are not inhibited or destroyed by them. We all go through multiple crises in our careers and personal lives. The ability to be resilient will determine if we not only survive but we thrive. This seminar will give each attendee the tools to overcome anger, hostility, and despondence. We encourage active leadership, participation, transforming resistance into compliance, and strengthening resolve to be the change you desire in the your company or organization. It’s not enough to just speak leadership because your most effective teaching tool is your life. This is a powerful, dynamic seminar that will pay for itself in the attendees’ personal and work lives. Military personnel have called it the best leadership seminar they’ve attended in their career. If you want a dynamic learning experience that your attendees will be talking about for a long time to come, this is the one.
Visionary Leadership: We’re reaching critical mass at this point for most federal entities. For too long we have endured an atmosphere where “doing the minimum and getting by” may have become part of our culture. We have an entire generation who have seen little of excellence, accountability, and foundational values. We are in need of leaders who are visionaries. A leader with this quality is able to see potential problems, people issues and breakdowns before these become full-on hazards. Attendees will learn to use insight, leverage data that points to future problems, and follow through basic plans so they stop the “little foxes from destroying the vines”.
We have contributed to the resolution of hundreds of organizations by helping their staff become more unified and resolve communication issues. Relationships are difficult, even in the best circumstances. Having conflict in the workplace happens and ignoring it only worsens the atmosphere. We'll assist you in working out contentions and misunderstandings. We have several approaches that have proven track records of success. An outside entity with no prejudices of your internal struggles among staff is ideal. We can assist you.
Communication is the greatest component of relationship breakdowns. This is a general, but detailed course that will help at work and home. Modules include: why we have struggles communicating; the components needed for every relationship; getting your point across; understanding others, and listening to improve rapport. We’ll get at the real reasons people have stormy conflicts and how we get around it by first navigating to a calm place. Most attendees have an “aha” moment just before a subtle transformation of thinking takes place. This seminar is both revealing and enlightening while it brings true insight that can be used to instigate needed change, if sought.
Call or email to get further details and to schedule a seminar.Ph: 312-659-0265roselynconnor100@gmail.comroselyn@roselynconnor.com