"I don't know how you're doing it. You're making this feel like we're in-person. This is the first time this has happened for me." L. Apuya 5/12/22
"Your class isn't just about leadership. It's about life and it's real." Isaac Hodson 7/7/22
"I wanted to tell you that this is the most influential and meaningful class I've ever taken as a DoD employee. The past four days have opened my eyes, not only professionally but personally."
T. Moon 2/11/23
"Normally I fidget or do other work while I'm in a training session, but this time I was hanging on to each word. This was really good."
Grant, Loadsmart 9/28/23
"I feel more aware that I'm not in a boat alone without paddles. Info shared in this class will help me to understand much of the conflict that goes on and it's given me tools to resolve it."
C. Felice 1/14/25
Serving Those Who Serve
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On this site you'll find pre-scheduled courses plus on-demand training. In the block below you'll find our advanced scheduled training and you can submit yourself or staff members to any of the public sessions for the dates listed by contacting us directly. If you prefer to choose from our vast list of on-demand courses, you'll find the lists by clicking on the three large square boxes marked "Customer Service, Leadership & Conflict Reduction". These courses can be customized to your needs.
This page photo credit: Army Staff Photographer Mathieu Perry
established 1993
our story
Roselyn Connor has been an international speaker to more than 850,000 people across the globe since she started her consulting firm, Brandon & Connor Associates in 1993. She's created courses and trained all branches of the US military, federal agencies, medical personnel, lawyers, teachers, corporations, police, fire, churches, associations, private companies, state and local governments.
Her ardent dedication is for the anti-suicide work she does for the US Army through her program, "It Gets Better". The program has proved to be transformational in the lives of many service members. Emails have come to us from people who said their lives were touched and their outlook became dramatically improved.
Scheduled online training
Please tap on the above squares to see more info about the subjects.
Please note, for a complete list of our courses that you can customize or accept as designed, please go to our SEMINARS page from the menu at the top right corner of this page by tapping the three hash marks.
We look forward to serving your training and consulting needs.
All courses include: Digital workbook and digital certificate upon completion.
To attend any of the courses below or to schedule a private seminar for your organization, please contact us by phone or email:
Ph: 312-659-0265 or roselynconnor100@gmail.com
GOVERNMENT CLIENTS: Please note, all of our courses on Zoom can be accessed from government computers and attendees do not have to work from home in order to attend. Please contact us and we'll walk you through the process that is simple and straight forward. We also have other platforms available including, MS Teams and GoToMeeting.
Our in-person seminars are exciting and ready to be scheduled in your workplace.
Giving Effective Presentations course
This online seminar gives bold, well-designed presentation strategies that will improve your rapport, and significantly enhance your delivery. This is an excellent program for learning what makes a great presentation and what it takes to present an enthusiastic, compelling, and effective delivery to any audience. Attendees will learn how to orchestrate their material; speak with clarity, direction and power; and handle tough audience members. We clearly target how to do well with online meetings. More than a dozen modules are covered in 3 segments: The Principles of Presenting, Preparing Your Message, and Your Delivery. Each attendee will have opportunities to orchestrate material and perform multiple great presentations that prepare them for running meetings, teaching courses, and disseminating info. They will also learn to navigate the current dynamics of both in-person and virtual scenarios.
Course includes: Digital workbook, digital certificate upon completion.
TBD Two full days
To schedule a seminar for your group, please contact us directly:
Ph: 312-659-0265
Email: roselyn@roselynconnor.com or roselynconnor100@gmail.com
Platform: Zoom
Length is 16 hours spread across 2 full days or 4 half days
Cost $295.00
Credit cards accepted
This course is designed for anyone who has either already attended our introductory presentation skills course, shown above, or who has some experience regularly holding meetings or giving presentations at work. Our program will polish your skills, hone your abilities to capture your audience and heighten your persuasive expertise. You’ll enjoy the benefits of having reinforced confidence, a more cognitive vocabulary, improved interaction and great concept delivery. You’ll speak and act more naturally in front of audiences, or while holding meetings. This course will help you to be more relatable, persuasive, engaging and calm. We’ll help you organize your materials so you can effectively go from concept to articulation of objectives. You’ll be closer to mastering presentations for your success at work and better prepared to give those impromptu speeches in your personal life.
Course includes: Digital workbook, digital certificate upon completion. When:TBD Two full days To schedule a seminar for your group, please contact us directly:Ph: 312-659-0265Email: roselyn@roselynconnor.com or roselynconnor100@gmail.com Length: 16 hours spread across 2 full days or 4 half days Cost $298.00 Max: 45 Platform: ZoomOPEN TO THE PUBLIC-ANY PERSON MAY ATTENDCredit cards accepted.
Course includes: Digital workbook, digital certificate upon completion. When:TBD Two full days To schedule a seminar for your group, please contact us directly:Ph: 312-659-0265Email: roselyn@roselynconnor.com or roselynconnor100@gmail.com Length: 16 hours spread across 2 full days or 4 half days Cost $298.00 Max: 45 Platform: ZoomOPEN TO THE PUBLIC-ANY PERSON MAY ATTENDCredit cards accepted.
Strategies for Making Hard Decisions
(Expert level, Decisiveness): We’ve designed an executive level course that probes the requirements for making well-calculated, intelligent decisions resolutely and without taking extreme amounts of time by being indecisive and unsure. Attendees will learn multiple guidelines for thinking proactively and consequentially. We’ll encourage them not to excessively rehash good decisions to the point of becoming immobile due to a lack of confidence. Speed and promptness are integral to the overall training. First, they’ll be taught the principles of good decision-making in diverse situations and even while under great pressure. Over a period of 16 hours they’ll be challenged with dilemmas of various levels in complexity and difficulty. Each additional real-life equation they encounter will build on the previous challenge. Each time they run into an obstacle or setback, they will be encouraged to rethink each portion of their decision to see if a little tweaking is necessary. If they need more than that they’ll decipher a new route that will accomplish the end result. The decision-making process will yield a more skilled and confident approach when they’re evaluating outcomes. Becoming more decisive in their approaches will yield more confidence and speed of logical thinking.
When: TBD
Contact:Email: roselyn@roselynconnor.com
Length: 16 hours spread across 2 days or 4 days
Cost: $288.00
Platform to be announced
Your 2.0 Life
- No one can possess what they refuse to pursue. We will help attendees set themselves up to improve how they accomplish goals, how they make reachable plans and move forward on a defined path. Attendees will receive training across multiple subjects, including: personal development, communication, listening skills, an improved attitude and resilient flexibility. They will exit the training with a renewed sense of purpose, energy and greater certainty of their ability to achieve their goals. Through the process of professionalism, communication, and personal responsibility, attendees will find themselves taking on greater challenges and advancing their personal and professional lives.
- People have reported this seminar sparked positive change and gave them the tools to become more confident and grow into better workers. Our approach is substantive and juxtaposes the ordinary advice often heard in current society. We take the stance that we don’t have to let life happen to us. We can make decisions and create actions that build a positive impact. Interaction, communication, and self-control are the avenues that will carry us to destinations of rarity and value. This training will help create more cohesive, enthusiastic and capable team members.
- When:
- Length is 16 hours spread across 2 full days
- Dates: TBD
- Cost 285.00
- To register for the above dates or to schedule a seminar for your group, please contact us directly:
- Ph: 312-659-0265
- Email: roselyn@roselynconnor.com or roselynconnor100@gmail.com
- Platform: Zoom
- Credit cards accepted.
- Once maximum registration is reached, courses will close.
Negotiating the return to the in-person workplace
Many employees have become comfortable with a work-from-home schedule or a hybrid with the emphasis on the remote office. After making the adjustment to being off-site five years ago, it's time to get back to business with in-person venues. We want to help your employees return to in-person work. Resistance should be expected but the final product needs to be a fully functioning, well-adjusted and highly productive workplace where relationships thrive and employees are eager to have camaraderie. This is a very valuable course that will meet your needs and provide the training your employees must have to truly get back on track.
When: Dates TBD To schedule a seminar for your group, please contact us directly: Ph: 312-659-0265Email: roselyn@roselynconnor.com or roselynconnor100@gmail.com Total length is 16 hours spread across 2 days or across 4 days. We also offer an abbreviated seminar for conventions. In-person Cost: $295.00/person for the full 16-hour program. If you need to present this program online due to a scheduling issue, call for special pricing. OPEN TO THE PUBLIC-ANY PERSON MAY ATTENDCredit cards accepted.Once maximum registration is reached, courses will close.
When: Dates TBD To schedule a seminar for your group, please contact us directly: Ph: 312-659-0265Email: roselyn@roselynconnor.com or roselynconnor100@gmail.com Total length is 16 hours spread across 2 days or across 4 days. We also offer an abbreviated seminar for conventions. In-person Cost: $295.00/person for the full 16-hour program. If you need to present this program online due to a scheduling issue, call for special pricing. OPEN TO THE PUBLIC-ANY PERSON MAY ATTENDCredit cards accepted.Once maximum registration is reached, courses will close.
professionalism in the workplace
- This program is carefully designed to help your employees become more polished, communicate better, squash hostility and extend an air of professionalism and hospitality toward each other, customers and visitors. Program modules include: defining the qualities of professionalism, treating people effectively, speaking to people with dignity, maintaining high work standards, communicating effectively, having honesty and integrity, exercising business etiquette and ethical behavior, being responsible and team oriented. The course will help develop higher work initiatives that embody the dignity and importance of making the workplace thrive. Professionalism doesn't need to be a thing of the past. We are working to reignite it. Attendees will learn both the value and application of it.
- When: Dates TBD
- Length is 16 hours spread across 2 days or 4 days Contact us to register. Email: roselyn@roselynconnor.com or roselynconnor100@gmail.com
- Course includes: Digital workbook, digital certificate upon completion.
- Cost: 288.00 USD
- Credit cards accepted
- Once the maximum is reached, the course will close.
Leadership Skills for Non-Supervisors: Developing your leadership skills, even if you’re not a supervisor, is an insurance policy toward your future. If you interact with people, good leadership techniques will benefit you in and out of work. The ability to advise, instruct and motivate people is a tremendous quality. This valuable course will instruct you on how to respond to coworkers in a way that signals you have recognizable organization and people skills. We have consistently received very high marks from Federal government workers for all of our leadership programs. This particular leadership program prepares anyone for the mechanics of leading. We’ve included interpersonal and organizational communication, how to gain compliance, maximizing your time, influencing people to make better choices, gaining respect, conflict resolution, the necessity of resiliency, a guide to professionalism and good team-building skills. Attendees will learn how to make use of all the four leadership styles instead of relying on just one. Each is effective but the best leader recognizes when it’s appropriate to use one over the other. Attendees will also learn steps in confronting and documenting troublesome employees.
These are just some of the skills you’ll pick up during this 16 hour program. To maximize your time and not keep you away from your duties, the course will run four straight days for four hours each day. The knowledge you’ll gain will profit both your professional and personal development and you’ll be able to put it to use immediately. When: Dates TBDTo register for the above dates or to schedule a seminar for your group, please contact us directly:Ph: 312-659-0265Email: roselyn@roselynconnor.com or roselynconnor100@gmail.com Length is 16 hours spread across 2 days Cost: 280.00 USDMax: 40 Platform: ZoomOPEN TO THE PUBLIC-ANY PERSON MAY ATTENDCredit cards accepted.
These are just some of the skills you’ll pick up during this 16 hour program. To maximize your time and not keep you away from your duties, the course will run four straight days for four hours each day. The knowledge you’ll gain will profit both your professional and personal development and you’ll be able to put it to use immediately. When: Dates TBDTo register for the above dates or to schedule a seminar for your group, please contact us directly:Ph: 312-659-0265Email: roselyn@roselynconnor.com or roselynconnor100@gmail.com Length is 16 hours spread across 2 days Cost: 280.00 USDMax: 40 Platform: ZoomOPEN TO THE PUBLIC-ANY PERSON MAY ATTENDCredit cards accepted.
Good workers aren’t just sources of productivity for organizations; they can also become valuable to other team members through mentoring. Mentoring is an ongoing process that empowers others through information, instruction and reproduction. The intricate process is a combination of coaching, leading and encouraging. It’s a delicate balance that requires selflessness and a real understanding of the human equation. This class covers: the 8 key steps to becoming excellent coaches and mentors: understanding your protégée; designing an outline of objectives; providing a standard for measuring success; the process of accountability; communication; criticizing effectively; demonstrating character; and keeping people on track to a goal. Mentors must have something of value that is worth reproducing in others and this course helps you develop that.
Course includes: Digital workbook, digital certificate upon completion. When: Dates TBD To schedule a seminar for your group, please contact us directly:Ph: 312-659-0265Email: roselyn@roselynconnor.com or roselynconnor100@gmail.com Length: 16 hours spread across 4 half days or 2 full days Cost: 275.00/person (Customers in Asia should adjust for their time zones and day.) Platform: Zoom or MS Teams (Will notify) OPEN TO THE PUBLIC-ANY PERSON MAY ATTENDCredit cards accepted.
Course includes: Digital workbook, digital certificate upon completion. When: Dates TBD To schedule a seminar for your group, please contact us directly:Ph: 312-659-0265Email: roselyn@roselynconnor.com or roselynconnor100@gmail.com Length: 16 hours spread across 4 half days or 2 full days Cost: 275.00/person (Customers in Asia should adjust for their time zones and day.) Platform: Zoom or MS Teams (Will notify) OPEN TO THE PUBLIC-ANY PERSON MAY ATTENDCredit cards accepted.
Introduction to supervision
From start to finish this is a great course that focuses on the many aspects of leading and supervising civilians and military personnel. Attendees will learn effective communication skills, resolving conflicts, building a team, handling authority and more. This four day course is focused on the foundational and structural components of sound leadership. The 8 immutable laws of leadership is woven throughout the program and balanced with individual personal assessments of one’s strengths and weaknesses. Emphasis is on what it takes to be a strong, well-defined, compassionate, proactive executive. This class is taught from 3 important criteria: The Individual, The Post, and the People Being Led. It is an exhaustive program that goes into great detail about each aspect of leadership, including: leadership styles, how to confront, how to mentor and coach, resolving poor performance, people skills, professionalism, OPM issues, EEO law, the GS system, and so much more. An excellent leader gives direction, confidence, energy and focus to people and lets them know when they’re off track. We will prepare you to operate within the realm of practicality and actuality; no theory, just real-world application that can be used immediately. Attendees will be engaged in precisely what it takes to be the type of leader who gets results and makes a positive impact. This seminar has been given a rating of “excellent” from 98.5% of the attendees.
When: TBD 4 Full days
To schedule a seminar for your group, please contact us directly:Ph: 312-659-0265Email: roselyn@roselynconnor.com or roselynconnor100@gmail.com
Cost: $450.00 USD
4 Full days
For clients in Japan, Singapore, and Guam, please contact us directly.
Online Platform: Zoom
Course includes: digital workbook, digital certificate upon completion.
Course includes: digital workbook, digital certificate upon completion.
military strong
SO Proud of the work we do
While our seminars take us into schools, hospitals, every industry, small businesses, corporate America and federal agencies, we are especially proud of the work we do with our military. We've designed both short and longer programs that build resiliency, stability, hope and a brighter outlook for the future. We provide them with tools of better communication, delayed gratification, relationship staples,
Our men and women who voluntarily serve are the everyday heroes we admire and to whom we owe a debt of gratitude as a nation. Assisting them to have better lives is paramount.
Programs for service members:
The Choice of Resiliency
The Power of Your Life
It Gets Better
The Strength of a Defined Destiny
Influence Through Leadership
our plan
Here's what we want to do for you:
Your customers
...help your staff retain and grow customer satisfaction, develop personal ownership, and increase your bottom line. Your customers will become ardent participants.your management
...develop management so you can create an atmosphere where employees stay with you because there is appreciation, interaction, growth and good leadership.Your staff
...create cohesive conditions where team members assist, welcome and respect each other. A good team will make more contributions, value others, and increase productivity.- Strengthen your customer focus.Build your team.Help you achieve your goals.
Improve communication..
Develop relationships..
Make your workplace better.